Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Inside Ship Windows (Poem)

Inside Ship Windows

From her husband's teeth, the thin lady hangs,
a grave excuse for spinning. Both eyes narrow
to a funnel, glazed, as they turn to look around

the room. Her eyes mirror the lost time both feel
as her fingers release the photograph made at sea
after the too-smooth waves round, slow the ship

for the sake of 24 good whales, undulating. Baby,
we are emulous, slow-dancing a liquid sonnet
with the uneven boat. See into the twining windows

of his dimpled pink heart? The mimosa flowers hide
the signals a mammal always blushes, that beard
we found in the carpet.

What now?

This poem is composed of words found among "Top 10 Dip Into Poetry Lines" at TweetSpeak Poetry. Special appreciation for the first line, the opening of Majorie Maddox's "Death Defying".

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